We are a research practice and take part in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The NIHR is funded by the Department of Health and is the research arm of the NHS.

The aim of the research is to try investigate the causes of disease and to help find better treatments for those diseases.

A key requirement for anyone involved in the conduct of clinical research is Good Clinical Practice for research (GCP) training. GCP is the guideline and standard to which all NHS research is conducted. Our nurses, Dr Adams and Dr Giles have undergone this training.


How can you help and take part?

There are various ways a patient can become involved in studies:

  • A doctor or nurse may talk to you about a particular study and ask whether you would be interested in participating
  • You may be sent information through the post if we feel you may be a suitable participant
  • You may read information about a current study in the patient waiting room or on the surgery website and wish to take part by contacting us directly.

Participation in research is entirely voluntary and can be withdrawn by yourself at any time without any explanation required. You are under no obligation to participate in any research project. Your care and your relationship with your doctor or nurse will not be affected in any way if you decided not to take part in a research study.


Current research the practice are involved in include:


The PRINCIPLE trial is an urgent national priority COVID-19 trial of treatments that can be taken at home.

To find out more, or to register for the study, please visit www.principletrial.org